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Know about high blood pressure

By Brij
Today's Health Topic we have chosen for hoteliers is high blood pressure, many researchers and doctors say that in maximum cases it is a lifestyle disease and we know better that how is the hotelier's lifestyle is, doing morning, evening shifts and odd hours and working in lot of pressure situation without appreciation. So please take care of your health and enhance your knowledge on the disease of hypertension. 
High blood pressure, or the so called hypertension is high pressure in the arteries. The arteries carry blood from the heart to all body organs.

High blood pressure usually has no symptoms. Rarely headache can occur. Hypertension may flow asymptomatic for years, damaging the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other body parts. Some people understand that they suffer from this disease after it has caused serious health problems such as coronary heart disease, stroke or kidney failure. Therefore it is essential preventive measure blood pressure, even at full health and to take appropriate measures:

* In normal blood pressure – to make the necessary efforts to preserve its values in the rule.
* For high blood pressure – defining and initiating treatment to prevent injury and complications that it can cause a number of the body.

High blood pressure is not an extreme emotional tension. However the stress and the emotional tension can increase it. Blood pressure with normal values is around 120/80. Pre-hypertension is called one between 120/80 and 139/89. Blood pressure of 140/90 or over is high.

Higher values – systolic pressure, represents to the pressure in the arteries when the heart contract and pump blood, pushing it into the arteries. Lower value – diastolic pressure, represents the pressure in the arteries when the heart is granted after contraction. The diastolic one reflects the lowest pressure at which the arteries are exposed.

High blood pressure symptoms and signals

Sometimes there are invisible high blood pressure symptoms that occur. That’s why this type of blood pressure is also known as the “Silent Killer”. It may progress to the final development of more than a few potentially fatal complications. This can be heart attack or stroke.

High blood pressure causes can be present and for many years it’s symptoms can remain undetected. This can happen when there are no visible high blood pressure symptoms and people that are affected fail to undergo periodic examination of their blood pressure.

However, some patients may exhibit high blood pressure symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, even perspiration. The presence of these symptoms may be a good thing.

Measurement of blood pressure is mandatory practice in each examination, so in most cases high blood pressure can be found quickly. In many cases, visits to the doctor result in the emergency room as a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or impaired vision (due to damage to the rear of the retina).

Awareness and frequent talking about this problem may help to identify patients with high blood pressure before significant complications develop. About one in every hundred people with severe hypertension is diagnosed with accelerated or malignant hypertension on the first visit to the doctor. With these patients, the diastolic blood pressure (minimum pressure) exceeds 140 mm Hg! Affected individuals often have severe headache, nausea, visual symptoms, dizziness, and sometimes kidney failure.

High blood pressure requires urgent treatment to prevent stroke or brain damage.

Read some tips
What causes high blood pressure?

After finding the high blood pressure symptoms, patients mostly would like to know the causes of their condition. To understand that, lets read about the known forms of high blood pressure. There are:
- Basic (or primary) hypertension
- Secondary hypertension.

The primary type is more frequent, 95% of the cases of hypertension. Main reason for it is multi-factorial, that there are several factors whose combined effects produce hypertension.

In the secondary type, which represents 5% of the hypertension cases, high blood pressure is caused by specific abnormalities in one of the organs or systems of the body. (Secondary hypertension is further discussed in a separate section later.)

It is believed that genetic factors play an important role in the development of high blood pressure. However, genes for hypertension have not yet been identified. Current research in this area focus on genetic factors, which have the most significant impact on system for regulating blood pressure. This system helps to regulate blood pressure by controlling salt balance and elasticity of arteries.
Hypertension types

As mentioned earlier, 5 percent of people with high blood pressure have what is called secondary hypertension. When in these individuals it’s caused by a breach of a specific organs like kidney or blood vessels such as adrenal gland, or aortic artery.

Symptomatic or secondary hypertension is not an independent disease, but is accompanied by other disease and serves as its symptoms. Symptomatic arterial hypertension account for 5-7% of all arterial hypertension. There are several forms of secondary arterial hypertension.

Renovascular hypertension – high blood pressure caused due to problems with kidney. It occurs when the narrowing of the kidney artery comes insufficient amount of blood and the kidneys are synthesized substances that increase blood pressure. Narrowing of the kidney artery atherosclerosis occurs when the abdominal part of aorta, if blocks a kidney artery, kidney artery atherosclerosis itself with the formation of plaque reducer its clearance, occlusion of the artery thrombus, compression of the artery tumor or hematoma, trauma, inflammation of the walls of the kidney artery. Possible congenital dysplasia of the kidney artery, when one or two arteries are narrowed since birth. The emergence of kidney hypertension and result in kidney disease – pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney amyloidosis. During such arterial hypertension is largely dependent on the underlying disease, the rapidity and extent of blockage of the kidney artery. Patients with this type of high blood pressure often feel good even at very high numbers.

When patient under 30 or over 50 develops diastolic hypertension, this might be a symptom of the high blood pressure type. Other possible high blood pressure symptoms for this type are: rapidly worsen stable hypertension within 6 months; very severe initial hypertension.

Endocrine arterial hypertension develops in diseases of the endocrine system, pheochromocytoma, primary hypertension, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hyperparathyroidism (increased production of hormones parathyroid gland), hyperthyroidism.

Hemodynamic hypertension – high blood pressure caused due to problems with the arteries. It occurs in coarctation of the aorta, aortic valve insufficiency, arterial duct closure, in the later stages of heart failure. Most hemodynamic arterial hypertension occurs in coarctation of the aorta – a congenital narrowing of the aortic area. At the same time in the vessels off from the aorta above the site of narrowing the blood pressure rapidly increased and in the vessels of the waste below the stenosis is reduced. To diagnose most important difference between the blood pressure at the upper and lower extremities. The final diagnosis is established when a contrast study of the aorta. Treatment with high degrees of stenosis of the aortic surgery.

Neurogenic high blood pressure – occurs due to diseases of the nervous system. By increasing blood pressure cause brain tumors, stroke, trauma and increased intracranial pressure.

High blood pressure due to drugs – it occurs when taking certain medicinal products. It can be oral contraceptives, not steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, ephedrine, stimulants of the nervous system.

Foods that lower blood pressure

Sunflower seeds can help you if you have hypertension.
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